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Professional Programme (PP)

CCMF Professional Programme

Cyberport Creative Micro Fund Professional Programme (“CCMF PP”) supports innovation and early-stage development by sponsoring HK$100,000 grant and providing all-round nurturing to high potential digital tech projects and early-stage start-ups with business elements. Project can be at idea stage or early stage development with minimum viable product (MVP)/prototype.

Program benefit

Apart from cash grant, CCMF gives you access to Cyberport’s extensive resources and support for innovators and entrepreneurs, including:

Training, Mentorship and business advice

Business development and investment connections

A local and global business network

Publicity and promotion

Industry recognition and validation

Alumni network and peer support

Successful completion of CCMF programme may increase your chance of acceptance to our Cyberport Incubation Programme.


Open to applicants aged 18 or above upon application deadline

Two type of application
Individual Application:

- principal applicant must be Hong Kong ID holder


Company Application:
- a registered company limited by shares and incorporated in Hong Kong (or in progress of incorporation) upon admission

(1) If the principal applicant is non-local, welcome to apply Company Application. The successful company applicants are required to setup a limited company registered and incorporated in Hong Kong once admission.
(2) CCMF is counted in project base, same or similar project shall only be applied Professional Programme (CCMF-PP) or Hong Kong Young Entrepreneur Programme (CCMF-HKYEP) in the same intake.

Details please refer to Guides and Notes for Applicants – CCMF Professional Programme

Application timeline

Applications are accepted all year round!

Jun 2024 Intake

Sep 2024 Intake

Dec 2024 Intake

Mar 2025 Intake

Application Deadline

2 Apr 2024

9 Jul 2024

2 Oct 2024

2 Jan 2025

Vetting & Presentation Session
(Shortlisted applicants only)

May 2024

Aug 2024

Nov 2024

Feb 2025

Result Announcement

Jun 2024

Sep 2024

Dec 2024

Mar 2025

About Vetting criteria, vetting team compositions, and Grant Disbursement and Others.

Note: Applicants are required to submit online applications via Cyberport Entrepreneurship Management System. 

Please check out the CCMF Guides and Notes for Applicants before submission. 

CyberLink Vol. 191 Aug 2024
CyberLink Vol. 190 Jul 2024
CyberLink Vol. 189 Jun 2024