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Technology Talent Admission Scheme

TechTAS provides a fast-track arrangement for eligible technology companies/institutes to admit overseas and Mainland technology talent to undertake R&D work for them. Tenants and incubatees of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) that are engaged in the areas of biotechnology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, robotics, data analytics, financial technologies, material science, 5G communications, digital entertainment, green technology, integrated circuit design, Internet-of-Things and microelectronics are eligible to make applications.

For more details, please visit: https://www.itc.gov.hk/en/fund_app/techtas/index.html

For enquires:

Cyberport Office Tenant
Email: leasing@cyberport.hk

Cyberport Incubatee
Mr Wilson Chan
Email: cip_enquiry@cyberport.hk
Tel: 3166 3900

Cyberport Smart-Space
Ms Forinda Wong
Email: smart-space@cyberport.hk
Tel: 3166 3903

CyberLink Vol. 192 Aug 2024
CyberLink Vol. 191 Aug 2024
CyberLink Vol. 190 Jul 2024